Great Websites Need Great SEO

Great websites need excellent Search Engine Optimization. This begins with a fundamental understanding of the search engine’s algorithms and how to get you the traffic required to run a successful online marketing campaign. We have over two decades of experience …

Push Advertising with Blip

Think Online Marketing specializes in pull advertising; that is, we target people who are looking for our products or services and pull them to us. On the contrary, there’s push advertising, which pushes a message out to a broad audience, …

Advertising on Waze

Waze is a navigation app owned Google that gives turn turn directions to virtually any destination in the USA. Waze is currently used 130 million people globally, making it a powerhouse in the navigation app world. This …

What are Responsive Search Ads?

How many text ads do you have in each of your Google Ads Campaigns? The correct answer is at least three, two of which will be Expanded Text Ads, and one should be a responsive search ad. A responsive search …

Customer Service in Online Marketing

Have you ever had questions to ask a service provider but were frustrated that you could only speak to an account representative who reads from a script, not an expert, skilled in such matters? This happens with internet providers, satellite …

What is an Affinity Audience

Google announced last year that affinity audiences would be an available setting inside the search network and Think Online Marketing has certainly taken advantage of this feature. If you’re familiar with Display Advertising you understand how powerful a feature like …

Partner Websites

Google’s ability to identify web surfers who are likely to convert has improved to the point that we can now open up some ads to Partner websites. This is a big deal. If we can expand our visibility and get …